Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Fade In:

As I sit here (and if you know me) with Natty Light in hand, I'm asking myself, "why in the world did I decide to start a blog?"

And the answer to that question is, "hell if I know."

About a year or so ago things were not working out well...for many reasons... and I soon realized it was time for a change.  I needed to do some soul searching and figure out what in the world I wanted to do with my life.

Forty was just around the corner... and that didn't help matters at all.

So finally I came to the conclusion that I wanted to try my hand at writing.   Many reasons... which would bore you to tears... led me to believe that I could do it.   However, for the life of me, could not figure out what is was that I should actually throw out there for the world to see, what story I should tell.   And of course, what story would anyone give a rip about.

After countless cans of Natural Light and entirely too much time on my hands I decided that a screenplay was the way to go.

So, in the Summer of 2009 I read as many books as I could on the craft which opened my eyes on how difficult, though satisfying the process could be.

After several months of notes, fingers finally met the keyboard in October.  And the journey began.

And that's why I'm here.  Lord knows I need the writing practice.  

But through the next few months I hope to share my progress and thoughts on the craft.

Sure, there will be ramblings at times.  My thoughts on music, movies, and of course, Alabama football but my intentions are to share what I have learned and hope that others can do the same for me. 

I look forward to your comments!

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